Brewing the tea, enjoying the tea.
With excitement and style.
Embracing the latest, yet cherishing the traditions.
Creating the new, while passing on the spirit.
Mastering the path, still living among people and streets.
Not one or the other, but both.
Japan, and the cultures of the world.

"SOUTETSU", a brand led by Tanaka Soutetsu, aims to bring the traditional charm of the tea ceremony into the modern era through activities such as producing and selling tearooms and tea-related utensils, hosting events, curating art spaces, and more.
茶道 ─────
Sado - the tea ceremony -
The realm of "Jchigo-Jchie", where people meet in person and soul, treasuring the moment never to be experienced again, like the water in the river's flow.

Chashitsu and Otemae - the tea room and art of serving tea -
The tea room is a theater, the scenery and stage for artistry and narrative. Furo and Ro, the braisers, one used from May to October, the other from November to April, are examples of installations changing with the seasons of Japan, and it is on this stage that the host, with the mastery of movement, performs and serves the tea.
The moments shared by the host and the guest, both tranquil and extraordinary, where their hearts meet, is the essence of the art of serving tea.
歴史や生活様式 /精神やおもてなしの心 /茶碗などのプロダクト/ 掛け軸/お花/和菓子/着物など、
茶道を通して自由に表現でき お客様とコミュニケーションを育む「場」を提供します。
We curate spaces where people meet, brought together by the essence of Japanese culture.
Through the way of tea, we offer spaces for free expression, and foster communication with our guests. These spaces encapsulate Japan's history, lifestyle, spiritual essence, hospitality, products like tea bowls, hanging scrolls, flowers, traditional confections, kimonos, and more.

モバイル&カスタマイズ茶室 ─────
Mobile & Customizable Tea Room
どこでもリアルな茶道を実現 Create space for authentic tea ceremony anywhere anytime.
本格的な茶道をするためには“炉“のある茶室が必要。 現代の住居等のスペースにおいて“炉“を設けるのはハードルが高い。 そこで、今までは大掛かりな工事が必要だった“炉“のある茶室を家具を 置くレベルで手に入れられる茶室としてプロダクト化。
To perform a tea ceremony in full, a tea room with a 'Ro'brazier needs to be in place. Setting up a 'Ro' in contemporary living spaces, however, can be difficult. We've transformed tea rooms with 'Ro'—which usually requires extensive construction—into a product that can be moved and placed like furniture, allowing one to have an authentic tea ceremony anywhere anytime.

▲ アートイベントでの展示や東郷記念館パーティー会場などで設置し茶道体験を行う。
mobile tea room set up at exhibitions and party halls for tea ceremony sessions.
一 炉がある茶室
1.tea room with "Ro"
─Suitable for a complete authentic tea ceremony.
二 2畳
2.double-tatami size (nijo-size; 176x176cm)
─Easily transportable.
三 カスタマイズ
3.high customizability
─Allows the user to express oneself and set the stage in one's own style.

We are planning to further develop our mobile tea room prototypes by incorporating both traditional and contemporary Japanese craftsmanship and art. We offer a variety of tea utensils as well.

田中 宗哲 (哲平)
SOUTETSU Corporation
Omotesenke Sado Instructor
Tanaka Soutetsu (Teppei)
1981年生まれ。京都宇治で幼少期を過ごし、東京の私立城北高校を卒業後、武蔵野美術大学に進学。大学時代にストリートカルチャーや映像表現に関心を持ち、広告会社に就職。マーケティング×クリエイティブカンパニーのGOKIGEN BEAT株式会社を創業。
Born in 1981, I spent my early years in Uji, Kyoto. After graduating from Johoku High School in Tokyo, I went to Musashino Art University, where I developed a strong interest in street culture and visual expression. This eventually led me to join an advertising company, and later founded GOKIGEN BEAT Corporation, a creative design, marketing and branding agency.
My perspective shifted after visiting Paris and New York, inspiring me to connect more deeply with Japan's culture. At 25, I began practicing Sado, the way of tea, uncovering the wisdom of our ancestors. I started exploring what form tea ceremony could take in the modern age to make it more accessible for all. This journey led to product development, including tea room design among other things. With my colleagues, we founded 'SOUTETSU' Corporation, dedicated to sharing the beauty and depth of Japanese culture through diverse activities.

お問い合わせ ─────
Thank you for your interest in SOUTETSU.
For inquiries about our services, products, or any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Brewing the tea, enjoying the tea.
With excitement and style.
Embracing the latest, yet cherishing the traditions.
Creating the new, while passing on the spirit.
Mastering the path, still living among people and streets.
Not one or the other, but both.
Japan, and the cultures of the world.
"SOUTETSU", a brand led by Tanaka Soutetsu, aims to bring the traditional charm of the tea ceremony into the modern era through activities such as producing and selling tearooms and tea-related utensils, hosting events, curating art spaces, and more.
茶道 ─────

Sado - the tea ceremony -
The realm of "Jchigo-Jchie", where people meet in person and soul, treasuring the moment never to be experienced again, like the water in the river's flow.
Chashitsu and Otemae - the tea room and art of serving tea -
The tea room is a theater, the scenery and stage for artistry and narrative. Furo and Ro, the braisers, one used from May to October, the other from November to April, are examples of installations changing with the seasons of Japan, and it is on this stage that the host, with the mastery of movement, performs and serves the tea.
The moments shared by the host and the guest, both tranquil and extraordinary, where their hearts meet, is the essence of the art of serving tea.
歴史や生活様式 /精神やおもてなしの心 /茶碗などのプロダクト/ 掛け軸/お花/和菓子/着物など、
茶道を通して自由に表現でき お客様とコミュニケーションを育む「場」を提供します。
We curate spaces where people meet, brought together by the essence of Japanese culture.
Through the way of tea, we offer spaces for free expression, and foster communication with our guests. These spaces encapsulate Japan's history, lifestyle, spiritual essence, hospitality, products like tea bowls, hanging scrolls, flowers, traditional confections, kimonos, and more.

モバイル&カスタマイズ茶室 ─────
Mobile & Customizable Tea Room
Create space for authentic tea ceremony anywhere anytime.
本格的な茶道をするためには“炉“のある茶室が必要。 現代の住居等のスペースにおいて“炉“を設けるのはハードルが高い。 そこで、今までは大掛かりな工事が必要だった“炉“のある茶室を家具を 置くレベルで手に入れられる茶室としてプロダクト化。
To perform a tea ceremony in full, a tea room with a 'Ro'brazier needs to be in place. Setting up a 'Ro' in contemporary living spaces, however, can be difficult. We've transformed tea rooms with 'Ro'—which usually requires extensive construction—into a product that can be moved and placed like furniture, allowing one to have an authentic tea ceremony anywhere anytime.

▲ アートイベントでの展示や東郷記念館パーティー会場などで設置し茶道体験を行う。
mobile tea room set up at exhibitions and party halls for tea ceremony sessions.
1.tea room with "Ro"
─Suitable for a complete authentic tea ceremony.
2.double-tatami size (nijo-size; 176x176cm)
─Easily transportable.
3.high customizability
─Allows the user to express oneself and set the stage in one's own style.

We are planning to further develop our mobile tea room prototypes by incorporating both traditional and contemporary Japanese craftsmanship and art. We offer a variety of tea utensils as well.

田中 宗哲 (哲平)
SOUTETSU Corporation
Omotesenke Sado Instructor
Tanaka Soutetsu (Teppei)
1981年生まれ。京都宇治で幼少期を過ごし、東京の私立城北高校を卒業後、武蔵野美術大学に進学。大学時代にストリートカルチャーや映像表現に関心を持ち、広告会社に就職。マーケティング×クリエイティブカンパニーのGOKIGEN BEAT株式会社を創業。
Born in 1981, I spent my early years in Uji, Kyoto. After graduating from Johoku High School in Tokyo, I went to Musashino Art University, where I developed a strong interest in street culture and visual expression. This eventually led me to join an advertising company, and later founded GOKIGEN BEAT Corporation, a creative design, marketing and branding agency.
My perspective shifted after visiting Paris and New York, inspiring me to connect more deeply with Japan's culture. At 25, I began practicing Sado, the way of tea, uncovering the wisdom of our ancestors. I started exploring what form tea ceremony could take in the modern age to make it more accessible for all. This journey led to product development, including tea room design among other things. With my colleagues, we founded 'SOUTETSU' Corporation, dedicated to sharing the beauty and depth of Japanese culture through diverse activities.

お問い合わせ ─────
Thank you for your interest in SOUTETSU.
For inquiries about our services, products, or any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
事業所 〒150-0011 東京都渋谷区東 2-27-11-301
事業内容 茶道イベント運営、プロダクト制作・販売
Webマガジン 「自分軸をつくる内観とは?」
( https://www.insidefocus.jp/ )運営
Company: SOUTETSU Corporation
Location: 2-27-11-301 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0011, Japan
Business: Organizing tea ceremony events, product creation and sales
Web Magazine: "INSIDE FOCUS", interviews with diverse individuals on exploring self-insight; https://www.insidefocus.jp/